Members of City Council, I appreciate this opportunity to express how happy I am with our current trash and recycling service.
With our current contract with Allied Waste, we have citywide, authorized collection of trash for $5 to $10 less a month than county residents outside the city pay, and we get convenient, curbside recycling service as well, which those outside the city don’t have. Because of this recycling service, our community now recycles 24% of all the residential waste we produce. The amount of recyclables we are keeping out of the landfill has increased seven times since we began our current service. I think this is wonderful.
Members of City Council, I also want to tell you thank you also for my authorized sewage collection service. Thank you for my authorized fire protection service. Thank you for my authorized police service. We all---citywide—share in the cost of these services, and that is the responsible thing for city government and city residents to do. Likewise, it is the responsibility of all of us to keep our city clean. Citywide trash collection is making this possible.
Before our current system, many residents were illegally dumping their trash in the dumpsters of others---of businesses, apartment complexes, or dumped it in the woods, stored it under porches and even stored trash inside houses. Imagine if you were a child living in a house like that, under those conditions. Surely we don’t want any child in our city having to live like that.
Our current trash and recycling collection service works, and I’m grateful for it. I don’t want my city to go backwards. I want the city to continue moving forward. I encourage all Jefferson City voters to join me in voting No on Prop. A. on April 5.
Thank you.
Carol Davit
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